What Does the Logik.io Training Portal Offer?

The Logik.io Product & Technology Training Portal is here to provide you with a self service, self-paced learning environment to allow you to gain the practical knowledge you need to work with the Commerce Logic Engine from Logik.io on a daily basis.  On the portal you will have access to training content in the following categories:

Logik.io Essentials:

The training modules in this category provide you with practical knowledge on the core, central features and components of the Commerce Logic Engine.  These are features and components that you will use everyday as a Logik.io site administrator.  Learn about configurable products, blueprints, fields, layouts, sets, product pickers, rules and more in the modules contained in this category.

Logik.io Advanced Administration:

The training modules in this category provide you with practical knowledge on a series of more advanced features and components contained in the Commerce Logic Engine.  Learn about table queries, set repeaters, associated picklists, field grids, advanced product rules, twinning, enrichments, external connections and more in the modules contained in this category.

Logik.io Admin APIs:

The training modules in this category provide you with practical knowledge on all of the Admin APIs available for use in the Logik.io Commerce Logic Engine.  These APIs allow you perform all the different administrative functions that you can perform in the Logik.io Admin UI.  Each API endpoint is explained, its syntax is provided, and all request parameters are discussed and any request payload needed is shown.  A demonstration of each endpoint is provided so the suer can see the actual API call used to generate the request, the actual request payload used for the request is shown and explained, and the response that the user should expect to see is also explained.

Logik.io Run Time APIs:

The training modules in this category provide you with practical knowledge on all of the Run Time APIs available for use in the Logik.io Commerce Logic Engine.  These APIs allow you perform all the different run time functions that you can perform in the Logik.io Buyside UI.  If you are thinking of implementing the Logik.io configuration technology in a headless environment or an eCommerce implementation then these APIs are what you need to create the buyer's UI.  Each API endpoint is explained, its syntax is provided, and all request parameters are discussed and any request payload needed is shown.  A demonstration of each endpoint is provided so the suer can see the actual API call used to generate the request, the actual request payload used for the request is shown and explained, and the response that the user should expect to see is also explained.

Logik.io Use Cases:

These training modules in this category provide you with an overview of a specific use case for the Commerce Logic Engine, and how you might implement the use case.  Various considerations and requirements are reviewed and a demonstration is provided that shows you one way in which the use case could be implemented,   Required Logik.io components necessary to implement the use case are discussed and during the implementation demonstration those components are created.

Logik.io Introduction:

These three FREE training modules provide the use with an introduction to the Logik.io Commerce Logic Engine.  Here you can learn about the purpose of the Commerce Logic Engine and get introduced to the various components and features of the product.  Demonstrations of both the buyside UI and the Administration UI are also provided.

Logik.io Feature Updates:

Each month a new FREE Feature Update training module is delivered on the Training Portal.  These modules provide you with an introduction, and where applicable, a demonstration of any new features that have been added to the product during that month.  With two product releases a month from our Engineering group there are always new features to discuss.